Fall Themed Lessons


I had to share this note and great pictures that I got from one of our embark Pre-K families about a month ago.

fall leaf collage

“We just finished unit 2 today. We did a fall leaf collage since we are reading a book on fall colors as one of his phonics/sightwords books. We also did Pumpkin faces with the shapes module as an art project. We read a book on pumpkins.We are really loving the school program!”

One of the challenges of choosing to be your child’s teacher is that you have to be everything- including the arts and crafts director- in order to make it all come alive. No excellent program is meant for a small child to sit alone and somehow “learn” in a totally one-dimensional way. When we choose programs like embark, we are also welcoming a commitment to make them come alive as a family. And that is precisely why we choose at-home programs, so that we get to be the ones who help learning come alive.

The inspired fall-themed projects shown here, paired with books and also modules from embark, are a perfect example of what everyday, and every day, thematic, student-centered, multidimensional education can and should look like.

Thanks for sharing!